Saturday, December 20, 2014

Kill Team List

+++ Kill Team  (196pts) +++

++ Orks: Codex (2014)  ++

+ Elites +

····Rules: 'Ere We Go!, Furious Charge, Mob Rule
····Boss Nob [Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs]
····Nob [Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs]
····Nob [Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs]
····Nob [Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs]
····Nob [Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs]
····Nob [Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs]
········Boss Nob: Unit Type:Infantry (Character)|WS:4|BS:2|S:4|T:4|W:2|I:3|A:3|Ld:7|Save:6+|Codex: Orks
········Nob: Unit Type:Infantry|WS:4|BS:2|S:4|T:4|W:2|I:3|A:3|Ld:7|Save:6+|Codex: Orks
········Close Combat Weapon: Range:-|Strength:User|AP:-|Type:Melee|Warhammer 40k rulebook
········Slugga: Range:12|Strength:4|AP:6|Type:Pistol|Codex: Orks
········Stikkbombs: Range:8|Strength:3|AP:-|Type:Assault 1, 3" Blast, Assault grenades|Warhammer 40k rulebook

+ Troops +

····Rules: 'Ere We Go!, Furious Charge, Mob Rule
····11x Boy [11x Choppa, 11x Slugga, 11x Stikkbombs]
····Boy w/ Big Shoota [Big Shoota, Choppa, Stikkbombs]
····Boy w/ Rokkit Launcha [Choppa, Rokkit Launcha, Stikkbombs]
········Ork Boy: Unit Type:Infantry|WS:4|BS:2|S:3|T:4|W:1|I:2|A:2|Ld:7|Save:6+|Codex: Orks
········Big Shoota: Range:36|Strength:5|AP:5|Type:Assault 3|Codex: Orks
········Close Combat Weapon: Range:-|Strength:User|AP:-|Type:Melee|Warhammer 40k rulebook
········Rokkit Launcha: Range:24|Strength:8|AP:3|Type:Assault 1|Codex: Orks
········Slugga: Range:12|Strength:4|AP:6|Type:Pistol|Codex: Orks
········Stikkbombs: Range:8|Strength:3|AP:-|Type:Assault 1, 3" Blast, Assault grenades|Warhammer 40k rulebook

++ Roster Rules ++

Objective Secured: (Warhammer 40k rulebook)

++ Selection Rules ++

'Ere We Go!: (Codex: Orks)
Furious Charge: (Warhammer 40k rulebook p27)
Mob Rule: (Codex: Orks)

Created with BattleScribe (

Friday, December 12, 2014

Battle Scribe Test 2

+++ Force Gracius (500pts) +++

++ Space Marines: Codex (2013) (Combined Arms Detachment) (500pts) ++

+ HQ (90pts) +

Librarian (90pts) [Mastery Level 2 (25pts)]
····Rules: And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics, Independent Character, Psyker
····Power Armour [Force Sword]
········Space Marine Librarian: Unit Type:Infantry|WS:5|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:2|I:4|A:2|Ld:10|Save:3+
········Force Sword: Range:-|Strength:User|AP:3|Type:Melee, Force|BRB p61

+ Elites (145pts) +

Ironclad Dreadnought (145pts)
····Rules: Move Through Cover
····Dreadnaught Power Fist (10pts) [Heavy Flamer (10pts)]
····Seismic Hammer [Meltagun]
········Ironclad Dreadnought: WS:4|BS:4|S:6|Front:13|Side:13|Rear:10|I:4|A:2(3)|HP:|Type:
········Seismic Hammer: Description:
········Heavy Flamer: Range:Template|Strength:5|AP:4|Type:Assault 1

+ Troops (150pts) +

Tactical Squad (75pts) [4x Space Marine (56pts)]
····Rules: And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics, Combat Squads
····Space Marine Sergeant (19pts) [Bolt pistol, Chainsword, Melta Bombs (5pts)]
········Space Marine: Unit Type:Infantry|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:1|I:4|A:1|Ld:8|Save:3+
········Space Marine Sgt.: Unit Type:Infantry (Character)|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:1|I:4|A:1|Ld:8|Save:3+
········Bolt Pistol: Range:12"|Strength:4|AP:5|Type:Pistol|BRB p56
········Chainsword: Range:-|Strength:User|AP:-|Type:Melee
········Melta Bombs: Range:-|Strength:8|AP:1|Type:Armourbane, Unwieldly, Against Vehicles and MCs only|BRB p62

Tactical Squad (75pts) [4x Space Marine (56pts)]
····Rules: And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics, Combat Squads
····Space Marine Sergeant (19pts) [Bolt pistol, Chainsword, Melta Bombs (5pts)]
········Space Marine: Unit Type:Infantry|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:1|I:4|A:1|Ld:8|Save:3+
········Space Marine Sgt.: Unit Type:Infantry (Character)|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:1|I:4|A:1|Ld:8|Save:3+
········Bolt Pistol: Range:12"|Strength:4|AP:5|Type:Pistol|BRB p56
········Chainsword: Range:-|Strength:User|AP:-|Type:Melee
········Melta Bombs: Range:-|Strength:8|AP:1|Type:Armourbane, Unwieldly, Against Vehicles and MCs only|BRB p62

+ Heavy Support (115pts) +

Predator (115pts) [Autocannon, Lascannons (40pts)]
········Predator: BS:4|Front:13|Side:11|Rear:10|HP:3|Type:Tank

+ (No Category) +

Chapter Tactics [Ultramarines]

++ Selection Rules ++

And They Shall Know no Fear
Chapter Tactics
Combat Squads
Independent Character
Move Through Cover

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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Battle Scribe Test

Battle Force Invictus (2000pts)

Space Marines: Codex (2013) (Combined Arms Detachment) (2000pts)

  • No Force Org Slot (90pts)

    • Techmarine (90pts)

      Bolt pistol, Power Axe (15pts), Servo Harness (25pts)

      And They Shall Know no Fear, Blessing of the Omnissiah, Bolster Defenses, Chapter Tactics, Independent Character

      Name Unit TypeWSBSSTWIALdSave
      Techmarine infantry444414182+
  • HQ (130pts)

    • Captain (130pts)

      Artificer Armor (20pts), Melta Bombs (5pts), Power Weapon (15pts)

      And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics, Independent Character

      Name Unit TypeWSBSSTWIALdSave Ref
      Captain (Artificer Armor) Infantry6544353102+ Codex: Space Marines p79
      Name Description
      Artificer Armour Confers a 2+ Sv
      Iron Halo 4++
      Name RangeStrengthAPType
      Chainsword -User-Melee
      Melta Bombs -81Armourbane, Unwieldly, Against Vehicles and MCs only BRB p62
  • Elites (815pts)

    • Ironclad Dreadnought (135pts)

      Move Through Cover

      • Dreadnaught Power Fist

        Storm Bolter

      • Seismic Hammer


      Name WSBSSFrontSideRearIAHPType
      Ironclad Dreadnought 44613131042(3)
      Name Description
      Seismic Hammer
      Name RangeStrengthAPType Ref
      Storm Bolter 24"45Assault 2 BRB p56
    • Terminator Squad (680pts)

      Assault Cannon (20pts), Heavy Flamer (10pts), 9x Terminator (360pts)

      And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics, Combat Squads

      • Land Raider Crusader (250pts)

        Twin-linked Assault Cannon, Two Hurricane Bolters

        Assault Vehicle, Power of the Machine Spirit, Transport Capacity - 16

      • Terminator Sergeant (40pts)

        Power Sword

      Name Unit TypeWSBSSTWIALdSave
      Terminator Infantry444414292+
      Terminator Sergeant Infantry444414292+
      Name BSFrontSideRearHPType
      Land Raider Crusader 41414144Tank
      Name Description
      Frag Assault Launchers Any unit charging into close combat on the same turn as it disembarks from a Land Raider Crusader or Redeemer counts as having Frag Grenades.
      Searchlight After firing all weapons can illuninate the unit it shot at and it's self during night fighting BRB p87
      Smoke Launchers Once per game, instead of shooting or moving flat out, may gain a 5+ cover save BRB p87
      Name RangeStrengthAPType
      Assault Cannon 24"64Heavy 4, Rending
      Hurricane Bolter 24"453x Rapid Fire, Twin Linked
  • Troops (570pts)

    • Tactical Squad (205pts)

      Multi-Melta (10pts), Plasma Gun (15pts), Rhino (35pts), 9x Space Marine (126pts)

      And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics, Combat Squads, Repair, Tank

      • Space Marine Sergeant (19pts)

        Bolt pistol, Chainsword, Melta Bombs (5pts)

      Name Unit TypeWSBSSTWIALdSave
      Space Marine Infantry444414183+
      Space Marine Sgt. Infantry (Character)444414183+
      Name BSFrontSideRearHPType
      Rhino 41111103Tank
      Name RangeStrengthAPType Ref
      Bolt Pistol 12"45Pistol BRB p56
      Chainsword -User-Melee
      Melta Bombs -81Armourbane, Unwieldly, Against Vehicles and MCs only BRB p62
      Multi Melta 24"81Heavy 1, Melta BRB p57
      Plasma Gun 24"72Rapid Fire, Gets Hot BRB p57
    • Tactical Squad (200pts)

      Flamer (5pts), Missile Launcher (15pts), Rhino (35pts), 9x Space Marine (126pts)

      And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics, Combat Squads, Repair, Tank

      • Space Marine Sergeant (19pts)

        Bolt pistol, Chainsword, Melta Bombs (5pts)

      Name Unit TypeWSBSSTWIALdSave
      Space Marine Infantry444414183+
      Space Marine Sgt. Infantry (Character)444414183+
      Name BSFrontSideRearHPType
      Rhino 41111103Tank
      Name RangeStrengthAPType Ref
      Bolt Pistol 12"45Pistol BRB p56
      Chainsword -User-Melee
      Flamer Template45Assault 1 BRB p56
      Melta Bombs -81Armourbane, Unwieldly, Against Vehicles and MCs only BRB p62
      Missile Launcher (Frag) 48"46Heavy 1, Blast
      Missile Launcher (Krak) 48"83Heavy 1
    • Tactical Squad (165pts)

      Heavy Bolter (10pts), Meltagun (10pts), 9x Space Marine (126pts)

      And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics, Combat Squads

      • Space Marine Sergeant (19pts)

        Bolt pistol, Chainsword, Melta Bombs (5pts)

      Name Unit TypeWSBSSTWIALdSave
      Space Marine Infantry444414183+
      Space Marine Sgt. Infantry (Character)444414183+
      Name RangeStrengthAPType Ref
      Bolt Pistol 12"45Pistol BRB p56
      Chainsword -User-Melee
      Heavy Bolter 36"54Heavy 3 BRB p56
      Melta Bombs -81Armourbane, Unwieldly, Against Vehicles and MCs only BRB p62
      Meltagun 12"81Assault 1, Melta BRB p57
  • Fast Attack (45pts)

    • Attack Bike Squadron (45pts)

      Attack Bike w/ Heavy Bolter (45pts)

      And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics

      Name Unit TypeWSBSSTWIALdSave
      Attack Bike Bike444524283+
      Name RangeStrengthAPType Ref
      Heavy Bolter 36"54Heavy 3 BRB p56
  • Heavy Support (350pts)

    • Devastator Squad (205pts)

      Heavy Bolter (10pts), Lascannon (20pts), Missile Launcher (15pts), Missile Launcher w/ flakk (25pts), Rhino (35pts), 4x Space Marine (56pts)

      And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics, Combat Squads, Repair, Tank

      • Space Marine Sergeant (44pts)

        Bolt pistol, Melta Bombs (5pts), Power Weapon (15pts), Veteran Sergeant (10pts)

      Name Unit TypeWSBSSTWIALdSave
      Space Marine Jump Infantry444414183+
      Space Marine Sgt. Jump Infantry444414293+
      Name BSFrontSideRearHPType
      Rhino 41111103Tank
      Name Description
      Signum If the sergent does not shoot, he can grant a model in the squad BS5.
      Name RangeStrengthAPType Ref
      Bolt Pistol 12"45Pistol BRB p56
      Heavy Bolter 36"54Heavy 3 BRB p56
      Lascannon 48"92Heavy 1
      Melta Bombs -81Armourbane, Unwieldly, Against Vehicles and MCs only BRB p62
    • Predator (145pts)

      Dozer Blade, Lascannons (40pts), Storm Bolter (5pts), Twin-Linked Lascannons (25pts)

      Name BSFrontSideRearHPType
      Predator 41311103Tank
      Name RangeStrengthAPType Ref
      Storm Bolter 24"45Assault 2 BRB p56
  • (No Category)

    • Chapter Tactics


Selection Rules

And They Shall Know no Fear

Assault Vehicle

Blessing of the Omnissiah

Bolster Defenses

Chapter Tactics

Combat Squads

Independent Character

Move Through Cover

Power of the Machine Spirit



Transport Capacity - 16

Created with BattleScribe

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Friday, August 1, 2014

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

7th Edition Sighhhhhh curse you Games Workshop!

I went out and bought 7th for myself as a belated fathers day gift. The shop owner knocked $10 of it for me.

I stopped for lunch at a local diner and tore into it over a sandwich. A young lad of 10 or so saw the books and started asking me questions. I got about 15 secs into a brief explanation when his mom snagged him away. The way she went about it you'd think I was trying to teach him witchcraft.

Anyway first impressions.

Galaxy of War - pretty pictures and a painting guide. Could do without it and have saved the cash. A smaller copy of it in a starter set would be more appropriate.

The Rules - excellently laid out and I like that it is seperate from everything else. I was tickled to see the allies matrix simplified a bit but puzzled a bit about the Eldar/Dark Eldar battle brothers thing. Almost as puzzled as I was with the Space Marine/tau in 6th edition.

Dark Millenium - Oh yeah! Love the background for this game so having a sperate book to peruse is fantastic.

Dark Millenium is well written and I immediately got that whole "grim dark" vibe. The writing is so engaging that while reading one of the battle accounts, I kept hoping that Abaddon would get a power glaive shoved up somewhere the sun don't shine by a Grey Knight. The Red Corsairs also need to be eaten by Tyranids.

The artwork is gorgeous yet chilling. Even if you are not a fluff fan, I would recommend reading it.

So on a scale of 1-5 I would say 4.5

Finished Rhino

Here's a new Rhino I finished sporting a Bitspudlo dozer blade

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Monday, April 7, 2014

More Pegasus terrain

This is the second part of the kit I bought ages ago.

Deff Dredd finished

I finally finished up Skully.  For some reason the matt finish came out shiny.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Bitspudlo Dozer Blade review

I ordered one of their dozer blades for my Rhino 3 weeks ago.  It finally came in today and I am fairly pleased with it.  It does however require a bit of clean up and drilling to attach the blade supports.  The mould also seems to be suffering a bit of sag on the right hand side.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Meet Skully

Anyway I've magnetized all the bits for the right side.  I've started on the left sides.  I am waiting on the mounts for the rest.  I'm about done with Skully's face (yes I named him Skully) and am just waiting on a test I'm doing tomorrow for making rust effects.  One is Secret Weapon pigment powder.   The other is a Reaper wash.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Deff Dread progress

Did a bunch of priming,  a little painting,  and a wee bit of magnetizing.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

More Orky Deff Dread

Made some progress tonight.   Damn this harder than my Ironclad Dreadnaught.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Deff Dread: The beginning

Started work on my Deff Dread tonight.  Not much accomplished so far